- BabyBjörn Baby Carriers: We use baby carriers pretty much every day, so having some that are comfortable and easy to use is helpful!
- Baby Brezza Formula Maker: A lifesaver for all the bottles we’ve had to make over the last 3 months!
- Fisher-Price Kick & Play Piano: The GOAT baby toy. It’s something I gift to every new parents because it is such a hit with all the little ones! The babies play on it several times a day.
- Gripe Water: Another must-have! Audrey is the hiccup queen (she was in the womb, too!), so we give her gripe water regularly to help them stop.
- Twin Z Pillow: An essential thing to have with twins. It makes feeding them at the same time possible and is great to have a spot to have them lounge together under a play gym.
- Snuggle Me Organic Lounger: We have loved having 2 of these for the babies, especially when they were tiny. It’s nice to have a cozy spot to lay them down when you need to.
- BabyBjörn Bouncers: We have this one from when Liam was a baby and use it daily! I like that it’s sleek and lightweight, so it’s easy to move around wherever you need to take it.
- Kyte Baby 2-Way Zipper Footies: Some of my favorite pajamas for all my babies! So lightweight and soft.
- Vava Split Screen Monitor: We love being able to see both babies in their bassinets at one time.
- Comfy Cubs Burp Cloths: The only burp cloths we use! Super absorbent and a great size.

Hi there!
Lauren Bown Lifestyle Blog is an online destination where I share my personal style, beauty finds, and bits of life in hopes to inspire other women to feel good in their skin and find the beauty in the ordinary.