What’s In My Shower

Welcome to the inside of my shower (a sentence I didn’t know I’d ever write, haha!). I get haircare questions pretty regularly – how I style it, what products I use, and more. So, I thought I’d share the products I’m currently using to wash my hair, as well as the other body care products I love.

The shower in our new home is a walk-in double shower. Coming from a mid-90’s stall shower where I could barely bend down to shave my legs, I’m loving the extra space that I have on my side in this one. I knew pretty quickly that I wanted to add some sort of teak stool on my side to make it easier to shave my legs and to store all my products. I found this one at Home Goods, but there’s a similar option here and here. I’ve had it in the shower for probably 6 weeks or so now and it’s not showing any signs of mold or anything, so I’m hoping it can stay in here for the long haul!

Onto the products I’m using! I’ve used Pureology shampoo and conditioner for years. My sister turned me onto the brand several years ago and I haven’t looked back since! I’ve used a few different products from the line, but my current favorite is Pureology Hydrate Shampoo. Finding a shampoo that works well for you can be a bit of trial and error. Some may leave your hair feeling heavy or like it’s not cleaning or with a weird texture. It’s not a one-size-fits-all situation, so it can take a few different products before you find the one you like best. If you want to invest in higher-end hair care products, but don’t want a bunch of full-size products that you barely use collecting dust in a closet, I recommend buying the travel-size version of them! That way, you’ll be able to use them for a week or two to really get a feel for the product before you commit to the full size.

For the last few months, I’ve been using this Colleen Rothschild Restorative Mask as my conditioner. I just apply about a quarter-size amount from mid-shaft to the ends and let it sit on my hair for 5 minutes or so, while I shave and wash my body. I like that it’s lightweight enough to use regularly, but it also really works at restoring some moisture to my ends and allowing for easier styling.

My Billie razor is a staple in my shower, of course! I feel like I’ve raved enough about this razor and the convenience of it that I don’t want to belabor the point, but it’s great. I actually just got my shipment of replacement razor cartridges earlier this week, so I’ve got a fresh one on there, which is the best feeling. The razor just glides right over my legs!

As for body washes, I’ve got a couple options in there. I’ve been using Raw Sugar Raw Coconut & Mango Body Wash for many months and it’s one of my favorites. It smells so good and I love that it gets really sudsy because I feel like I’m getting more clean the more bubbles there are (even though I’m not sure there’s any science behind that!). Then I received this Colleen Rothschild Tahitian Monoi Creamy Oil Body Wash in a PR package and threw it in my shower to try. I ended up loving it, so I’ll just switch between the two. I love the smell of it and that isn’t a harsh soap that dries my skin out. Plus, the pump on it makes it very easy to use, which I appreciate. I’ll just add a pump or two to my loofah and work it into a lather.

The last thing that I have in there is the Colleen Rothschild Tahitian Monoi Body Scrub. I like this for a little exfoliating action, which I try to remember to do regularly. It’s gentle and smells just as good as the body wash! Since I like to self-tan in the warmer months, having a scrub like this is nice for prepping my skin for smooth and even tanning application.

A few of you gave me the tip to add a bunch of fresh eucalyptus to my shower head for the ultimate at-home spa experience. My bunch is pretty old by this point, so I could probably use a new one, but I love how it looks in there. It doesn’t get a direct hit from the water, but the steam in the shower will cause the eucalyptus to let off the most calming scent.

Mike and I each have our own squeegee on our sides of the shower for the glass. To avoid getting hard water spots, which are a PAIN to remove, we squeegee the glass after every shower. It sounds kind of tedious, but since we don’t have much glass, it takes may 10 seconds to run it over the whole thing. If you have a glass door or full-glass shower and struggle with water spots, get a squeegee and do it every time!

Hi there!

Lauren Bown Lifestyle Blog is an online destination where I share my personal style, beauty finds, and bits of life in hopes to inspire other women to feel good in their skin and find the beauty in the ordinary.

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  1. 4.15.20
    Jennifer said:

    Interested to see what Mike’s side of the shower looks like. It must look so different from yours, haha #hisandhers ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • 4.15.20
      Lauren said:

      Just a bottle of soap and a razor on that side, haha!

  2. 4.15.20
    Nicole W said:

    Can you link your squeegee? Thanks!

    • 4.15.20
      Lauren said:

      Just added link to the post!

  3. 4.20.20
    Ainsley said:

    Where did you purchase the eucalyptus from? How often should you change it out?

    • 4.21.20
      Lauren said:

      Trader Joe’s. I would probably change it out every 6 weeks or so – mine is really dried out, by this point.