One of the Things I Will Miss Most About Pregnancy

Going into this pregnancy, I wasn’t sure how I would feel with all the changes happening to my body. Having never been pregnant before, I didn’t know what to expect! Would I feel good or struggle with difficult pregnancy symptoms? Would I enjoy seeing my body change? How will my body change? Those and many more questions went through my head during those first few weeks after finding out. Now that I’m almost to the finish line, I’m happy to share that I have loved watching my body grow and accommodate the little babe growing inside. Don’t get me wrong, there are certainly things that have been unpleasant, aches and pains I didn’t know I’d feel. But the overall experience has been positive and enjoyable (and I am so thankful for that!). So much so that I’m already feeling a little nostalgic for this bump and it’s not even gone yet!

While there have certainly been days that I’ve missed the ease of just grabbing anything in my closet or being able to wear some of my favorite things that I own, I have had fun learning how to dress the bump! I’ve learned that I’m one of those pregnant women that prefers closer-fitting clothes that hug my bump, versus wanting to wear more flowy or oversized tops to minimize it. I’ve also learned that I can actually get by on a very limited wardrobe, as is evidenced by the fact that I’ve had probably 8 articles of clothing total on regular rotation the last month or so.

Since my days of having fun with this additional accessory are numbered, I’m making it a mission to go through and wear every maternity dress and pretty top that I have, even if it is just for a walk to the mailbox or an at-home date night with Mike. Life will be 100 times sweeter with our baby boy on the outside, but I know I’ll look back fondly on these days of having a little fun with my clothes with him!

The best part of the timing of my pregnancy is that Spring has arrived for my last few weeks…hello, all the lightweight and stretchy dresses I can get my hands on. I don’t have a vast collection of maternity dresses, but the few that I do have are great! In the last month or so, I added this pretty floral number to my closet from Walmart. If you’re a fellow expecting mom, this dress is a winner! It’s so lightweight and the cut is very flattering. Plus, it can easily grow with you! I ordered a couple other things that I love, too, like this drape front jacket, these sandals, and this cute tote bag.

If you’re feeling like you need to switch things up a bit with your stay-at-home wardrobe and want to dress for the season just for fun, I recommend checking out Walmart’s selection! I’ve been pleased with the quality of the clothing items that I’ve ordered and love that it can be a one-stop shop for other things, too!

Here are some other fun (non-maternity) dresses for spring:

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Now the real countdown is on for just how many more times I can wear this dress before baby boy makes his debut! One? Five? It’s anybody’s guess!

Thanks to Walmart for sponsoring this post. All opinions are my own. 

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Lauren Bown Lifestyle Blog is an online destination where I share my personal style, beauty finds, and bits of life in hopes to inspire other women to feel good in their skin and find the beauty in the ordinary.

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  1. 4.18.20
    Lisa said:

    This is so cute but I am not pregnant do you think you could wear this even if you aren’t prego?

    • 4.19.20
      Lauren said:

      There isn’t anything overly maternity about it, besides that there may be a bit extra room in the midsection, so I think it could work!

  2. 4.19.20
    Nancy said:

    wishing you all the best with the birth of your little boy. Enjoy every moment.