What a year it has been! I think it’s important to take some time at the end of the year (or the start of a new year) to reflect on the previous 12 months – what was good, where did I grow, what do I want to improve on in the next 12 months, etc. The older I get, the faster the years seem to go by, so I want to make sure to take in inventory of everything that has happened and sit in it for a little while.
2019 was a very good year for us! We found out we are expecting our first baby, Mike graduated from his Masters Program, it was another great year for my businesses, I entered into a new decade (turning 30 at the beginning of December!) and we had a lot of great experiences with our loved ones. I’m deeply thankful for a year of health and many good things. While there were many good things, there were also hard things, as we experience every year. It’s usually in those times that I see the most growth – either in our marriage, in me personally, or in my relationships with others. I’m thankful for what 2019 brought us!
A quick “analysis” that I like to do at the end of the year is think about one thing I did well and one thing I’d like to improve upon. I’m not much for resolutions or big “goals” (because I never stick to them), but have found that identifying something to improve on is much more feasible. So, I’ll look back and think through the year and see where I think I did well and what I’d like to work on next year. I thought I’d share with you, in case you’re also wanting to set yourself up with some intentions for the new year!
One personal thing that I did well this year: I developed and practiced more patience and grace in our marriage. I was quicker to apologize and try to see things from his perspective. I took more ownership of my “junk” and was faster to admit my part in an issue or disagreement. I’m not perfect at this, at all, but definitely see growth in this area, as I look back.
One personal thing I’d like to do better next year: Check in on friends and stay in better contact. I can very easily get wrapped up in my own world and be selfish with my time. It’s easy for me to just be living my own life and forget to check in and see how friends and loved ones are doing. I want to be better at regularly checking in with my friends and seeing how they’re really doing and what’s going on in their world. That’s where I think true friendship connection comes from and is so important!
One professional thing that I did well this year: Delegated! As a type A/3 on the enneagram, I can definitely be controlling when it comes to things that I care deeply about, like my work. At the beginning of 2019, I brought on a few sub-contractors to help me with various things – one to manage social media for Elisabeth Ashlie, one to create graphics and help with creative for this blog. It has been immensely freeing to see that I can delegate work to other talented people and still feel proud of what I’m putting out into the world. I’m thankful to have learned this lesson this year, as it will definitely need to be utilized even more once the baby arrives!
One professional thing I’d like to do better next year: Manage my time more wisely. While I’m a hard worker and won’t quit until the job is done, I can also get distracted by the long to-do list I seem to always have going in my head. I want to find a routine/system that works well for me to stay on task and accomplish things, not letting things pile up and bring stress to me.
The thing I’m looking forward to most in 2020? Welcoming our baby into our family in May! With each passing week, I get more and more excited for meeting him or her (we found out yesterday and will share the news with you soon!) and stepping into our role as parents. It’s going to be a big year for us, with lots of change, but I’m excited to take you all along with us on this journey.
If 2019 was a difficult year for you, for whatever reason, I hope you find peace and comfort in starting a new year.
As always, thank you for your support and friendship throughout this year, both through what I share here on the blog and on social media. It wouldn’t be the same without you!