Saturday Style | 42

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Uniqlo Fleece | Elisabeth Ashlie Druzy Studs

Many a Saturday is spent running errands and getting to things that I couldn’t finish or do during the week. Oh, you too? Surprise, surprise.

Last Saturday was particularly fun because, if you know anything about the MLB, the Chicago Cubs won their game that guarantees them a spot in the World Series! I’ve been to at least two Cubs games at Wrigley Field every season that I’ve lived in Chicago, but am much more of a basketball gal. However, whether you understand what is going on or not, you can’t deny that this is an exciting time to live in Chicago! Mike lives pretty darn close to Wrigley, so we walked over to the field after the game was over and took in the madness and chaos. So. Many. People. Celebrating. We snapped our photos of the Wrigley Field sign, took it all in and left after about 10 minutes, before it got too out of hand.

Anyway, enough about sports, right? Let’s talk about the good stuff – clothes! Do you ever have one of those things that you rediscover in your closet and wonder how you’ve been getting dressed without it the last weeks, months, etc.? That happened with these black ripped jeans that I bought last season and forgot were in my drawer. It’s like shopping without spending money.

Paired with an easy striped tee, a fuzzy fleece, and some simple accessories, you’ve got yourself the perfect outfit for errands, sports, brunch, or whatever else you find yourself doing on a Saturday.

Hi there!

Lauren Bown Lifestyle Blog is an online destination where I share my personal style, beauty finds, and bits of life in hopes to inspire other women to feel good in their skin and find the beauty in the ordinary.

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  1. 10.25.16
    Simone said:

    THANK YOU for finding those Target ankle boots. Affordable and so chic. And I got the last pair in my size in the store and had a small rejoicing party in the shoe aisle by myself.

  2. 11.14.16
    Anonymous said:

    Where did you find that striped tee? I've been looking for one just like that.