Happy Friday, errrrrbody.
I’ve been anxiously awaiting this day all week because Mike and I are heading up to Wisconsin tonight for a relaxing weekend! We’ve attempted this weekend at the lake several times and other things have come up, so barring any major issues today, we will actually make it there and be able to relax! There was a time in my life not too long ago when I could spend weeks on end at my family’s lake house, and now I’m lucky if I can find one entirely free weekend in my Summer #adulthood
I’ve been holding off on buying anything for Fall because I want to go through what I already have and see if I really need anything, but I couldn’t resist this super cool bomber jacket. It’s a little outside my box, but I think that’s what I like so much about it. I’m picturing it paired with a delicate slip dress, my favorite ripped jeans and tee, or with an all black look. It seems really versatile and I love the feminine detail of the florals to offset the looser fit.
I’ve been wearing this nail color exclusively on my toes for quite awhile now. I love the crispness of it, but it isn’t a stark white. Plus, it makes my feet look tan and who doesn’t want tan feet?
Have you guys seen this video before? My sister first introduced me to Marcel years ago and I rediscovered it and was just about rolling with laughter. This is totally our sense of humor.
Mike is training for the Chicago Marathon in October (as well as a few other friends!), so I’m feeling the itch to sign up for some sort of race. After the half marathon last Fall, I mostly wrote off running because it was so hard on my knees, but I would love to do another sprint triathlon or something of the like. If you’re local and have any ideas, let a sister know!
Those are all the little nuggets of information I have to share. It’s supposed to be a rainy day in Chicago and I have a good amount of work to get done before the weekend!
Knees! Yes, they were my issue with running, too. My marathon was one of my BEST days, but I don't think my knees could take another one. #pedersenproblems I hope to do a half in the near future.
Marcel is so funny! The videos crack me up so thank you for bringing it back to me. π
I also keep my toes a shade of white. I'll paint my big toe to match my fingers but the rest stay white. #TooLazyToRepaintEverytime Tee hee!
I'm doing a Thanksgiving morning 8k if that is something you are interested in doing!
with the nice coffe gift her one nice ring from Segal Jewellery