A plum scarf a day

keeps the freezing cold away! (see what i did there?)

you guys know by now that i’m a sucker for scarves. living in Chicago basically requires that. it’s bitter cold at home (i’m soaking up every last second of 40’s and 50’s in Raleigh today before heading home tomorrow), so i’m almost always wearing a scarf. Maddy of Earthquake State made this beautiful Zoe scarf in plum and it quickly was put on heavy rotation in my scarf collection.

the plum color is perfect for me, since i typically wear a pretty neutral color palette. it goes with pretty much everything i own. it’s warm enough to protect my neck from the below-zero wind chills, but doesn’t suffocate me, which i appreciate πŸ˜‰

Maddy is incredibly talented. i mean, just look at all fabulous things she makes! i’m kind of dying for one of these hats and this headband.

Maddy is generously offering all Lauren Elizabeth readers 15% off your purchase (now through  January 1st) using code LELOVE15.

check out her blog, too! and Facebook and twitter

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Lauren Bown Lifestyle Blog is an online destination where I share my personal style, beauty finds, and bits of life in hopes to inspire other women to feel good in their skin and find the beauty in the ordinary.

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